Friday, November 7, 2008

Now play nice boys

The NFL might as well start putting it's quarterbacks in the same bubble Jake Gyllenhaal used in Bubble Boy.

It's gotten to the point where it is almost sickening how much players are being protected in the NFL. Forget about No Fun League -- it should be No Force League.

Just ask Giants defensive end Justin Tuck. He is the latest victim of a bogus fine dished out by the NFL. Tuck was slapped with a $7,500 fine after a hit -- which NFL director of football operations Gene Washington, deemed too forceful -- on Dallas Cowboys QB Brooks Bollinger.

"We can't hit them in the head, we can't hit them in the knees, and now we can't hit them hard?" Tuck said in an interview with ESPN.

This is just a string of fines dropped by the NFL. What's the point. If you can't hit your opposition hard -- something that's embedded in your brain since pee-wees -- what's the point of even playing?

I have a solution. Maybe for now on, all quarterbacks should just wear flags around their waste. That solves everything right NFL? No more gray area. If the NFL keeps this up they're going to turn into the No Fans League.

1 comment:

Brian Schneider said...

I agree that it's getting a little bit ridiculous that any ticky-tac touching of the QB gets a flag. I understand that the NFL wants to protect its QBs, which is fine, but football is a violent game, a hitting game, and quarterbacks should be allowed to be hit just like any other player.